We are Stones in this river called Life

Just as rocks turn into refined pebbles as they travel downstream, we as people also have our journeys in life. 
We start off large and bulky, with not much experience, clumsily bumping our way through the beginning stages of life. We bump against the river bed and tumble down the obstacles along the way, but this is life’s way of moulding us into the people we are today. At some point, we hit a stage in life where we learn to swiftly avoid the larger obstacles and instead only come in contact with other small stones. We may travel in unison or we may clash and move away, but these smaller moments of contact are what refine us into smoother, rounder pebbles, polishing us to a natural shine. These experiences shape us to become uniquely one-of-a-kind while reminding us of the long journey already travelled.
We are just rocks on our journey downstream. We may be unfinished, but we are each unique and resilient.
We are who we are.

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